Sunday, February 25, 2007

I love it when I come across a genius...

Spirit Stilled

Stilled by quiet ripples, fall
shades loose leaves with
stolen colored bubbles; risen
from the wet, stony stream.

Beautiful bugs adorn calm voids
near the shore, unaware
in God's pure web of Justice,
that few lives are reclaimed.

The low, distant canopy closes
ahead, dark in moist fragrance,
provided by God we appreciate
in sense that hides the spirit.

When grabbed by all sensual peace
will flesh lead our spirit, still
so warmly secure from thieves
revealed in the spirit sense.

[Mark Johnson, copyright 1997]

Please go to read more of Mark's poetry at the link above.

This reminds me of the "wolves in sheeps' clothing" that have made their way in to Christendom with New Age philosophies and Eastern religious thought. Dangerous doctrines of men/women lurk about ready to be "melded" into Christianity, seeking only the ruin of souls. That's why we pray to St Michael the Archangel to guard us from these false "christs" with their many tempting, feel-good practices and techniques. Don't be duped, be wise, watchful, sober, vigilant against the snares of the enemy, for he is crafty, sly, cunning and much smarter than we think. He was LUCIFER, after all, the Brightest, wisest of angels...and PRIDE sent him to his destruction. We're too presumptuous to think we won't meet the same fate if we wander down "enlightened paths" that lead not to GOD, but Hell.


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