Wednesday, January 23, 2008

April Morning...

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awake and up before the sun
and ready to hit the road
it's time to get on outta here
I got a burden to unload
this little, blue, heavy heart of mine
feels like it could explode
I sure got a lot o' stuff done though
before the rooster crowed

a gentle breeze, rustles the leaves
fragrant with April's perfume
I glance at my watch and say to myself
I ain't leavin' here any too soon
it's three o'clock in the morning
I should be at your door around noon
got my coffee, water and Twizzlers
and an iPod chock-full of tunes

my little RAV4's hummin' along
northward bound on this interstate
thinking of you, while sipping my brew
it's been a long cold winter to wait
but the frozen winds are finally gone
I heard Spring say “hello” at the gate
even after a year, it still boggles my mind,
our "uncommon connection" of Fete *

I remember so clearly the morning we met
in the lobby of the Fleming Hotel
what a year it's been for both of us
aiming for heaven and battling hell
that's how it goes for us pilgrims
in this tall ship riding high on the swells,
but on the ocean of life, come calm or storm
with His love in our hearts all is well

Yes, with His love in our hearts all is well.

susie melkus

* pronounced 'fate' NOT 'feet' it fits, you see?

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